The United Nations Climate Change Conference is taking place in Cancun, Mexico, from November 29 to December 10, 2010. Representatives from the world's governments are meeting to decide what, if anything, to do about climate change after the Kyoto Protocol expires at the end of 2012. You can learn more about the conference and even "virtually participate" through the official UN Climate Change Conference web site.
Events in Maine
Wednesday, December 8 - Last of the Kennebec Log Drives, 7 pm, Bath City Hall Auditorium. Join Friends of Merrymeeting Bay to hear Dave Calder talk about the last of the Kennebec Log Drives. A former log driver, Dave grew up in the Skowhegan area and started working on the river drive at the age of sixteen. Dave worked on the drive 10 years until it ended in 1976. Following that, he worked in heavy construction until he retired. Dave has written some songs and stories about river driving which he performs on occasion. Aside from writing he enjoys reading, gardening, some traveling, and time with his grandchildren. Dave lives in Canaan with his wife, Maureen, their dog and three goats. The FOMB Winter Speaker Series takes place monthly from October-May on the second Wednesday of each month. For more information, contact Ed Friedman at 666-3372.
Friday, December 10 - Ventilating New & Existing Homes, 8 am - 12:15 pm - Central Maine Power Company, Augusta. Properly ventilated homes minimize the risk of exposure to indoor environmental pollutants (radon, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, combustion pollutants, chemicals) and minimize the risk of moisture damage in the building envelope and subsequent biological contamination. This program stresses why controlling ventilation in a home is necessary to protect occupant health. It will discuss the most common sources of indoor air pollution in homes and how they get there, and what physical processes are present (air flow, pressure, moisture) that affect indoor air quality. The program provides practical strategies to achieve core ventilation goals. Limited space available. To register, contact Dick Tarr at Lapointe Lumber Company, 622-5025.
Local permaculture groups in Brunswick and Portland have several events planned. You can learn more about these groups and their events using the Meetup web service. Check them out at
A transition town group is active in the greater Brunswick area. Find out more about them and their events at
For more news about Maine's environment, check out Maine Environmental News