Happy summer and green tidings to you and yours.
Mark your calendars for "Meet the Electric Car," our next Sustainable Living Talk at 6 pm on June 14. Note the earlier start time, to give everyone a chance to test drive the cars. Read on for more about that and other happenings in the world of sustainable living.
Fred Horch, Founder
P.S. Our web site keeps growing! If your summer travels don't bring you to midcoast Maine, why not swing by our store online at www.FWHorch.com.
News from Energyworks
Here's the news from Energyworks, our renewable energy partner.
Energyworks North, out of Liberty, Maine, writes:
Hard to believe that Memorial Day weekend has come and gone: winter must be officially over! We are in full swing here -- nearly the whole crew will be working on an 8kw PV project next week where we will also be installing a skystream wind turbine. Climate change issues and escalating gasoline prices are forcing us to all re-think how we will act in the world. What will you do?
It continues to be encouraging to see so many Mainers taking the initiative to deal with these concerns and make the move to renewable energy.
Energyworks South, out of Portland, Maine, writes:
Frustrated by real problems like high fuel costs, global warming and war in Iraq? Energyworks has real solutions like solar hot water systems that can save as much as $2,000 annually in fuel costs, depending on your situation. We have solar electric systems that eliminate thousands of pounds of CO2 emissions annually. All of our renewable energy systems (solar thermal, pv & wind turbines) decrease dependence on fossil fuel and help reduce the need for America to battle over middle eastern oil supplies.CFL Recycling -- In Store for FREE
Everyone can make a difference by living more efficiently and adopting renewable energy technology. Our systems are cost-effective, reliable and proven to significantly reduce fossil fuel consumption. Please call us at 221-6342 or visit us on the web at www.energyworksllc.com.
You can now bring your burned out CFL bulbs to F.W. Horch for recycling. This is a free new service made possible by Efficiency Maine. Bring any compact fluorescent bulb to our store for proper disposal. Remember, you should NEVER throw a CFL bulb in your regular trash.
CFLs, like all fluorescent bulbs, contain a tiny amount of mercury. If you should break a bulb in your house, wear disposable gloves and use care to pick up all the pieces. Put them in a zip-loc bag, seal it, mark it as "Household Hazardous Waste", store it in a safe place out of reach of children, and dispose of it during your town's annual household hazardous waste collection day. You can use two pieces of paper to scoop up glass shards, or a damp sponge. Put those in the bag as well.
Solar Hot Water -- A Great Summertime Idea
Did you know that modern solar hot water systems allow you to shut off your boiler all summer long, saving fuel, preventing pollution, and extending the useful life of your heating system? Real-world performance data from the growing number of families in Maine who have installed solar hot water systems is demonstrating even greater energy savings than predicted. The reason? Boilers operate at their worst performance during the summer, when they typically cycle on and off in short bursts to keep a tank of hot water ready "just in case" it's needed.
In terms of efficiency, using your home's heating system to heat hot water during the summer is like driving your car one block, stopping, turning the engine off, and then re-starting to drive one more block. You can avoid this unnecessary waste by installing a solar hot water system which will use free sunlight to heat all of the water your family uses all summer long (and potentially even in the spring and fall). State rebates and federal tax credits are still available, and the costs of these systems can be easily financed through any home equity loan or line of credit.
For more information, contact Energyworks.
Drying Racks Made in MaineWe recently found a new vendor for made-in-Maine wooden drying racks. These are solid, durable racks with a very clever expanding design that makes it possible to dry a full load of laundry. Come in to the store to check them out. We will soon offer them through our web site, too.
Know of any other practical, made-in-Maine products we should carry? Please let us know! We believe buying local is a great way to start saving the planet, and we are committed to supporting Maine vendors wherever possible.
Sun-Mar Composting Toilets Meet Maine Code
Composting toilets have been installed throughout Maine for decades. Environmentally, they are the best way to treat human waste, safely converting it in situ into rich fertilizer that can be used as a soil amendment. Recently, there has been some confusion among code enforcement officers regarding the status of composting toilets in homes under the new Maine plumbing code, which took effect two years ago.
To meet the new code for use in homes, composting toilets must pass national standards such as National Sanitation Foundation Standard 41 and be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. If you are considering a composting toilet for use in an inhabited structure, make sure the model you select is legal for residential use in Maine. The complete line of Sun-Mar toilets we sell here at F.W. Horch meets code.
If you or your codes enforcement officer has any question about whether the brand of composting toilet you are considering is legal, contact Dana C. Tuttle, Senior Plumbing Inspector, Plumbing Examining Board, Office of Licensing and Registration in Augusta at (207) 624-8639 or Jim Jacobson, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Engineering, Plumbing and Waste Water Program at (207) 287-5695.
What's Happening in the Local Environmental Scene
On Monday, April 23, the Brunswick Town Council voted to add Brunswick to the list of towns and cities across Maine and across the country who have committed to become a "Cool Community". So what is a Cool Community? These are cities and towns that pledge to help stop global warming by signing the U.S. Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement. The Cool Cities campaign helps cities turn their commitments into action by pushing for smart energy solutions.
Want to help Brunswick live up to its commitment to become a "Cool Community"? Join the Brunswick Sustainability Group at our next meeting at 7 pm on Monday, June 18, at 11 Pleasant Street. For more information, drop by the store to sign up for their mailing list.
Is Dad into cars and alternative energy? Then come to Alternative Energy Days, at Mount Washington on Father's Day, Sunday June 17, and Monday June 18. Mt. Washington Alternative Energy Days is an exhibition for consumers looking to reduce their energy use and carbon footprint featuring alternative energy experts and vendors. The highlight of the event will be the Alternative Vehicle Regatta up the Mount Washington Auto Road.
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