Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Local Environmental Scene

What's Happening in the Local Environmental Scene

Tuesdays and Fridays - The Brunswick Farmers Market on the downtown mall is open for business from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, May through November!

Saturdays - The Saturday Farmers' Market at Crystal Spring Farm in Brunswick is open for business from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, rain or shine, May through November!

Wednesday, June 4 - Maine Council of Churches' Environmental Justice Program is organizing a program on Community Supported Fisheries at 6:30 pm at St. Charles Borromeo Roman Catholic Church in Brunswick (132 McKeen Street). Lucie Bauer, a member of First Universalist Church in Rockland, will tell how her church and its members have benefited from a 3-year relationship with a local farm and this winter's first Community Supported Fishery in partnership with the Port Clyde Fishing Co-op. Jennifer Plummer, program staff for Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance, an organization that is fostering cooperation between scientists and fishermen to preserve the fishing resources and protect working waterfronts, will talk about how communities and individuals can be part of the solution through community supported fisheries.

Wednesday, June 4 - Gateway 1 Steering Committee Meeting, 4 - 6 pm, Rockland Library. Gateway 1 is a landmark long-term strategic land use and transportation planning project for the Midcoast Route 1 region in Maine. It explores new ways of combining transportation and land use decision-making, balancing community growth and local values with transportation services and needs. For more info, visit

Monday, June 9 - Local Living Economies, 7 - 8:30 pm, a film at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick. Kaleidoscope presents a Bioneers original film featuring social activist hero Judy Wicks on promoting regional development and improved quality of life. With special guest speaker Fred Horch of F.W. Horch Sustainable Goods & Supplies discussing "How to Save the Planet One Customer at a Time."

Tuesday, June 10 - Brunswick voters will decide whether to demolish the old high school to build a new elementary school on the site. Hundreds of migratory chimney swifts roost during the summer in a chimney on the old building. A new roost is being planned that will allow the birds to continue visiting Brunswick during their summer migration even after the old high school and its chimney are gone.

Thursday, June 12 - Drive an Electric Car, 6 pm, F.W. Horch, 56 Maine Street, Brunswick. Join us to test drive a neighborhood electric vehicle.

Friday - Sunday, July 11-13 - Maine Bike Rally, Fryeburg, Maine. This three-day event features more than 30 rides to choose from both off-road and on-road, some as short as five miles, others 100 miles long. Learn more »

Tuesdays and Thursdays, July 15 - August 7 - Organic Arts Program at Crystal Spring Farm in Brunswick. In this all-ages six-week gardening and art project, families can grow and harvest food in a community garden in the morning, then create art about organic lifestyles in the afternoon. Open to parents and children; $30 per adult and $10 per child, per day. For more information, please contact Michelle Lisi-D'Alauro at (207) 837-9580.

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